Sunday, 27 November 2011

camp 2011

Hello and welcome to the talk show today I am interview the amazing Bethany about her camp. so I here you went on camp the other day where was it, when was it, who went and what did you do.Bethany said I went with all the year 6  from myross bush school we went to blorland lodge last week and did alot of out door activities like rafting. what were your initial feeling about camp. Bethany said I loved camp it was a great experience and it help me concer my fear. so what was not that cool at camp. bethany said well  there was nothing that wasn't fun even the duties were fun. what was great about camp bethany said everything was so much but my favourite was the rafting and the abseiling. So what would you like to do better next time bethany said to push my self more on the activitys. so what advice would you give other campers bethany said well to push your self and have fun.  Thank bethany for begining on the show  and now it is goodnight bye.

Wednesday, 16 November 2011


For the last few terms my class room has been doing Jibboo which is a fun town thing, we do every thursday at 12:00. In Jibboo time we have lots of shops and a bank and tthe way they get moeny is by onwwing a shop orr a job like me, I work full time at the bank I get 30 snidges a week.

Monday, 14 November 2011

Mid air photos

 These are my mid air photos.
 What do you think about them?
Please leave a comment.

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Inquiry with mr Hearing

We have been doing photo taking in our Inquiry time and have done 3 Activity. The first activity we did was lines and the second was a story of the class rooms working the third was a person in mid air. Mr hearing has been a very good teacher and he as even got a professional to come in and teach as more.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Pet day

On monday the 7th of november it was myross bush school pet day I took gali my dog and mum and dad gave me 20 dollars so I brought a few things, I also whatched the school poeform. In the end of the day it was all good.